Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Google SideWiki makes a great blogging tool!!

I'm just loving the new Google SideWiki. I linked it up to some of my Blogger sites and I have been using it to keep my blogs up to date with fresh news articles without ever leaving the website I'm referencing.

This SideWiki entry will be here for everyone to read when they reach the original page in the future and it will also crosspost to my own blog.

This saves me lots of time over loading up my website and creating an article or using some other blogging tool. It's even better than my old favorite the ScribeFire Plugin for Firefox which often causes memory issues.

SideWiki is clean and simple and yet one more reason to run the Google Toolbar which has certainly matured from its birth as a PageRank checker into one very useful time management tool for bloggers using the Blogger.com platform.

If that's not enough after you create a SideWiki entry you can share it with Facebook and Twitter to keep every updated on what you're reading and to get them involved in the conversations based on the original page.

If you have the Google Toolbar installed you can find this SideWiki entry on the following page or download it from the same page and get with the conversation.


in reference to: Google Sidewiki (view on Google Sidewiki)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Have you bothered to target Bing in your advertising campaigns?

I am starting to see more Bing.com references in log files for many of my sites and after reading this article I wonder if I should be targeting them in my marketing efforts somehow.

I'm not really sure how to target them for organic seo purposes but a paid advertising campaign targeting the right keywords would probably help out a great deal for anyone with an ecommerce site or product for sale.

Has anyone started using Bing? Any tips to share with us?

in reference to:

"Search marketers have two reasons to smile right now: Search advertising appears to be climbing back to its pre-recession levels, and Microsoft's Bing search engine is continuing to grow, offering a fresh alternative to Google.
A new report from search advertising firm Efficient Frontier showed that its clients spent 5 percent more on search ads in third quarter than in the second, The New York Times reports. Another report, from Search Ignite, showed that search spending was up 10 percent, returning it to the level it was at a year ago."
- Bing could be search marketing's savior - iMedia Connection (view on Google Sidewiki)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Bacardi to spend 80 million on social media marketing campaign

80,000,000 is big bucks and that's what Bacardi is committed to spending on their latest online advertising campaign. That's a big chunk of change for any ad campaign but this must be one of the largest social media marketing campaigns ever announced.

Do you think they can recoup thopse costs by seelling another 80 million in rum?

in reference to:

"Bacardi recently launched its latest campaign, called "Islands," which is poised to make a splash (pun intended) in the world of social media -- but in the end, what is the company trying to accomplish? Like any successful marketing campaign, a social media push should do two things: build the brand and sell more rum. The real question social marketers want to know is, how does Bacardi go about dropping a good amount of marketing money in social media and drive sales?"
- MediaPost Publications Bacardi Rum, 80 Million Bucks & Facebook 10/16/2009 (view on Google Sidewiki)